[Chemical composition] The theoretical value of FeS is Fe63.53% and S36.47%. However, the nature of output pyrrhotite often contain more S, up to 39% to 40%. In the composition, Ni and Co are the same as the same type of Fe. In addition, there are Cu, Pb, Ag, and the like. Part of Fe 2+ in pyrrhotite is replaced by Fe 3+ . In order to maintain the balance of electricity price, some vacancies exist in Fe 2+ in the structure. This phenomenon is called “absence structureâ€. Therefore, the composition is non-stoichiometric, and is usually expressed by Fe 1-x S (where x = 0 to 0.223). [Crystal Structure] See the crystal structure description of red arsenic nickel ore below. [Form] It is usually a dense block, a granular aggregate or a disseminated form (Fig. L-8). Single crystals are often plate-like in parallel {0001}, and a few are columnar or barrel-shaped. Form twin or triple crystal. Figure L-8 The pyrrhotite is a dense block assembly [Physical properties] ancient copper dark yellow, often with surface POH brown color; gray - black streak; metallic luster; opaque. Cleavage is not developed; {0001} crack development. Hardness 4. The relative density is 4.6 to 4.7. Crisp. Conductive and weak to strong magnetic. [genesis and occurrence] The main occurrences of pyrrhotite are: (1) Copper-nickel sulfide magma deposits produced in basic rock bodies are closely symbiotic with nickel pyrite and chalcopyrite. (2) produced in the deposit account of the contact, symbiotic with chalcopyrite, pyrite, magnetite, iron sphalerite and arsenopyrite minerals formed mainly in later stages skarn process. (3) hydrothermal deposits produced in the series, such as cassiterite sulfide deposits, and cassiterite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and other symbiotic. In the oxidized zone, it is easily decomposed and eventually converted to limonite. [Identification features] dark ancient copper yellow, low hardness, weak - strong magnetic. [Main use] is the production of ore mineral raw materials for sulfuric acid, but the economic value is far less than that of pyrite. When Ni is high, it can be used as a comprehensive utilization of nickel ore. Plastic Bumper Mould,Car Bumper Mould,Bumper Mould For Car,Automotive Parts Mold Yuyao Hongzhou Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.hongzhoumoulds.com
Fe 1-x S